Sunday, February 2, 2014

More Stuff Going On

Last post was before Thanksgiving, because it's been crazy busy since then!

Laura's parents came down for Thanksgiving weekend, since our work schedule didn't make it easy to drive up to the Bay Area. Jason and Liz came to hang out, too. We all brought food, so no one had to make the entire Thanksgiving meal on their own. 


Liz here manually whipping the cream since we didn't have beaters. Worked surprisingly well.

Team Raptor was delegated the turkey, since we were hosting. Laura doesn't eat meat very often, so Troy made the turkey. His first time! Good job, Troy!

"My only goal in making the turkey is that nobody dies."

The following week, Team Raptor was in charge of the ward Christmas brunch. Laura has very little Christmas cheer, so she wasn't planning on attending the Christmas brunch, till they asked her to be in charge of it. And it didn't turn out to be that bad. There were delicious homemade waffles and Laura got to dress up as an elf:

Thanks for all you did, co-person-in-charge Sandra! And thanks, volunteer Santa!

The next week, Laura ran her first 5k event: The Ugly Sweater 5k.

Again, Laura has close to zero holiday spirit, so her ugly sweater wasn't holiday themed. It was just ugly.

Luckily, this guy had enough holiday spirit for himself, Laura, and Troy.

"Laura: I just ran my first event. 32 minutes and 30 seconds. Feeling pretty good.
Troy: Good form, good form."

After running for 32:30, Laura was overheated. Sooo....


After Laura showered off all the grossness from running a 5k and then rolling around in dirty ice, Team Raptor drove to Arizona to see the Davis family. Laura had to work on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day (that whole week, actually), so we took a short weekend before Christmas week to hang out with some family.

Family time at the Mesa Temple.

The Christmas lights were nice.

There were a lot of people there who also wanted to look at the lights.

Hopefully next time we'll be there when Harold is in town.

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