Monday, November 11, 2013

Same old, same old

Life has been pretty static lately. Not in a bad way. Life is good. Work is fine. Church is great. There's just not much to blog about.

Although, we did dress up for Halloween:

Troy was Tyrone Biggums.

Laura the Flapper, with Yesenia the Awesome Neighbor Friend.

Laura also dressed up as an Elf for the Ward Halloween party (thanks, Jenn, for such an awesome picture!)

And our kitchen ceiling started bulging:

Good thing the food storage kit was there to keep it in place! We live in an old building, and I guess some pipes upstairs were leaking.

They tore it out and let it dry for about a week. It's all better and back to normal now.

Chloe's still adorable.

She continues to be fascinated with the tub.

During the day, she sleeps on our pillows. Usually Troy's pillow, although on this particular day she felt like sharing her fur to both pillows. 

At night, she sleeps on Laura's legs.

We also got a fish! Our neighbor friends upstairs couldn't find a peaceful spot for Li'l Blue to relax with their 2 cats, hamster, and other fish in the other tank, so... downstairs he came to live with us!

Li'l Blue

I (Laura) had to move his bowl to clean the kitchen counter, and Chloe jumped on the table to investigate this new creature and its suspicious smelling food bottle. I had to move his bowl back because she wouldn't stop messing with him.

And, Happy Veteran's Day! Thinking of all Vets and current military personnel today, including Laura's grandfather, uncle and cousins on both sides of the Team Raptor duo. Thank you all, brave men and women!

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