Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Wedding Weekend

Jason got married! His wife's name, our brand-new sister-in-law, is Liz. They were wed on Saturday, July 28th, 2012. Welcome to the family, Liz! =D The wedding and reception were great, and spending time with family was awesome.

The newlyweds, as they exited the L.A. Temple.
Hannah had a lot of fun running up and down the stairs. Laura picked her up to keep her out of the pictures of the cute couple, but then Hannah, in her baby speak, said she wanted to go see daddy. BUT, instead of going to see Josh, she ran back up the stairs! Sneaky girl!
Laura running after Hannah, engaging her in exactly what she wanted - a game of chase.
Nowhere left to run, baby girl!
Amanda, Josh, Hannah finally in daddy's grasp, Hunter, and Padre, outside the L.A. Temple, waiting to be told where to stand during picture taking.
Ben, part of the photographers.
Liz's family.
Jason's siblings.
Laura with Padre.
Jason and Hannah posing. We tried coaxing Aspen to join in the picture taking fun, but she couldn't be convinced it was "fun".
This is about as far as Aspen got in the niece photo shoot.
Troy and Liz's dad chatting it up.
Ben, Megan, Aspen enjoying the beautiful July day, keeping Aspen calm.
Hannah was bribed into picture taking with fruit gummies. And a chance to play with the flowers.
...Need we say more?
Team Raptor!
The ginger and the blonde.
Hannah decided she had had enough about this time. If looks could kill...
Hunter, you will still always be the "little" brother. Even though you're bigger than Laura now.
More family shots, with a cool tree in the background.
Another cool tree!
Some of the view we had as we drove to the reception in Malibu.
Troy when he saw the reception room: "Moana, you ugly!" During the reception, Laura took her heels off and went barefoot, in the Polynesian spirit.
View from the reception room balcony.
Live band means Laura will dance. Notice that's not Troy she's dancing with, it's Hunter. It didn't take long before Ben and Madre were out dancing, too.
Ben giving the Best Man speech.
Playing with different settings on the camera. Jason and Liz in sepia.
The nieces, Aspen and Hannah, playing together.
Liz's sister, Katy, capturing the moment(s).
Jason and Liz cutting their cake. Everyone else got a better angle to take this pic, leaving us this spot to take a picture. But you get the idea.
Megan getting great shots on the reception room balcony, and Aspen checking out the ocean/beach.
Aspen, in her dress made by hand by Megan (Good job, Megs!)
Amanda and Hannah. This is Hannah's "cheeeeeese" face.
Team Raptor!
Corner of the reception room, as the waves hit the rocks.
If you can't tell what that says: "Off to a galaxy far, far away..." because apparently, Liz LOVES Star Wars. You will fit right in, Liz. =)
Some of the view as we drove out of Malibu.
Some of the traffic we were sitting in as we entered L.A.
Back at the hotel room.
Eventually we got hungry, and headed over to In-N-Out for dinner.
This is soon before Team Raptor left to go back home to Long Beach, part of our goodbyes to the family as they stayed behind in the hotel.
 All in all it was a great way to spend our #1 Anniversary. That's right, Team Raptor and Jason & Liz share an anniversary day, now. How awesome is that? However, as fun and exciting as it was to be apart of Jason's wedding on our first anniversary, our anniversary celebrations are yet to come... which will probably be the next blog post. Until then, internet!


  1. Great Pics and comments! Can you upload your pics to my Costco account? username is my usual and I will text my password to you. It was a great weekend. So glad you and Troy were able to spend time with us.

  2. Sure! We were glad we could hang out with everyone, too.
