Sunday, July 22, 2012

L.A. Zoo!

Our friend, Meg, created a summer 2012 bucket list, and invited us to go with her to fulfill #3 on her list: go to the L.A. Zoo! Whoo! It was the first time for all 3 of us.

Meg and Troy
Laura and Troy!
Who is Reggie, you may ask?
This guy! They found him in a lake in San Pedro, cuz some people just dumped him in there when he got too big I guess.
Nala, immortalized.
Wassup, Timon?!
Black necked swans exist, apparently.
Meg capturing the art of the flamingo.
They had black tipped wings!
There's a Troy on that alligator! ...or crocodile?
Check out how green that water is. I guess the crocodiles (or alligators?) like it murky.
Whaaaaa???? Wallabies drink salt water!    
Meg wanted to hug a wallaby after seeing how cute they are!
Meg and Troy checking out the wallabies
Troy with his Bacon shirt, at the hog pen.
Koalas are so cute!
It's a cool statue.
Cassowaries have ginormous legs, in case you were wondering. We couldn't get a good pic though, the camera kept focusing on the fence instead of the bird.
PSA: Watch out for anoas.
Can't remember what these are called, but they are native to the desert of the southern CA/Mexico area, if memory serves correct.
Meg found a secret path!
Some little kid started singing Christmas songs looking at the "reindeer". Don't worry, I (Laura) gave him a healthy dose of reality orientation when I said, "It's not Christmas."
There were a lot of deer type creatures. And this one was huge!
Troy, hanging with the giraffe.
Elephants! We couldn't find the real ones. They were too busy wandering around their 8 acres of zoo land.
Really old tortoises.
Oh noooooo!
 We're gonna have to go back to look at the elephants, rhinos and hippos, since we didn't get a chance to see them this time around. (We needed to leave before traffic got too bad. And before our hungry stomachs led us to the over-priced food in the zoo.) Until then, L.A. Zoo!

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