Thursday, April 19, 2012

National High Five Day

Remember to give someone a HIGH FIVE today!

(If you have trouble meeting the other person's hand, look at their elbow while high fiving, and you won't miss.)

Team Raptor High Five!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Laura is a Spaz

Maybe it's been the inconsistent work schedule, 12 days straight, then a day off, then 8 days straight, then a couple days off...

(I forget, sometimes, what day it is...)

Maybe it was the frustration at the Kinect not working...

(Stupid range reduction lens screw with its perception so it "can't detect" me. I just wanted to play Your Shape!)

Maybe it was the distraction of Naruto...

(How's he gonna get Sasuke back?? How's he gonna defeat Orochimaru??)

Or maybe all three, but I forgot I was supposed to pick up Troy from work last night. By the time I realized it, Troy had just gotten off, it was 10:15pm, there was 25 minutes left for the banana bread in the oven, and I ran out the door, locking the door handle as I grabbed what I thought were my keys.

They weren't my keys, and I had just locked myself out of the apt at 10:15pm, with Troy waiting in Downey for me to get him. Luckily, I had my phone, and he had his bus pass, so as I explained the wretched situation he was able to take the bus and train home.

I sat in the back porch while I waited for Troy to get home. Luckily, I had access to it.

You can still see my butt imprint on the bucket.

The only thing that kept me from getting in the apt, my keys, and my burning banana bread was this lock. On the bright side, now we know that, short of breaking glass, our apt is safe from people breaking in. I couldn't get in, no matter how much I tugged at the sliding glass door and window locks.

My hero! We were finally able to get in the apt around midnight once the Blue Line dropped Troy off at the 5th St Station.

The banana bread was beyond saving, sadly. A real shame, because that Kitchen Aid is a pain to clean.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Most people seeing this blog will already know who Troy and I are, but we'll cover the basics anyway, in case any of you know one, but not the other, of the Team Raptor Duo.

Laura - 

The many colors of Laura! I grew my hair out after cutting it super short when I graduated high school. I only trimmed it once during college, and when I graduated, I cut it again! And played with the color. 2011 was the blonde year, 2012 is the redhead-ish year, and 2013 will be black. I work as a music therapist, and feel blessed I'm working in the field I studied.

Troy -
I've gone through a lot of cars since Laura and I started dating. Started off with Sally - totaled her twice. 
Then I got Hildy. She was a 1984 Mercedes, with no A/C or heat, that I drove to UT in the winter and TX in the summer. I had to throw her away when her brakes died.
 Then Inga came along, a 1997 BMW 7 Series. Her engine fan blew up 7 days after I got her. Had to get rid of her because she couldn't pass smog. I love CA.
I was using this car for work, until a cop hit me head on while I was stopped at a red light.

Now I take the train to work.