Tuesday, May 21, 2013

We use a lot of cups.

All the cups we used Sunday morning. The number of cups used is slightly higher than a normal morning because we both had sore throats.

All the cups we used on Monday. This is after all the dishes were washed on Sunday. Again, slightly higher than normal because of our sore throats, but still. That's a lot of cups. Plus a water bottle.

I guess we just get thirsty. And forget where we put the last cup. And have to get a new one. Good thing we have a lot of cups.


  1. We don't have an ice maker so I like to put my tall cups with ice cubes in them in the freezer after I drink up the liquid in the cup. That way I won't have to break out the ice trays, fill up the cup and refill the ice trays.

    My current favorite drink to put in these tall cups full of ice is my "famous lemonade" which is actually the Walmart brand of Crystal Light mixed with three tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of Nuvia - a Stevia based product.

    The problem is that sometimes I don't get all the liquid out of the bottom of the tall cup. The liquid freezes, expands and cracks the cup. The next time I poor something in the cup it leaks all over. Today it leaked on Laura's old computer desk where I have my computers now and caused a mini panic. No harm done. Tall cup in recycling!

  2. That's an interesting idea. You know they have cups that are made specifically for putting in the freezer, so you have cold drinks when you pour liquids in them. In case you're interested. And good thing you have a lot of cups too, to make up for the loss of that tall cup.

  3. This post makes it looks like you guys survive on a liquid diet

  4. Mom: (I washed the other dishes so they wouldn't be pictured.) No liquid diets here. Chewing is too much fun.
