Monday, February 25, 2013

Stuff going on

This past weekend was the first weekend off from Laura's weekend job... because Sunday 2.17.13 was her last day there. It was sad to say goodbye to those sweet old folks and great coworkers, but happy to no longer work on Sundays. AND Laura's first weekend off is a 3 day weekend, because her supervisor (at her full time gig) asked her to work Tuesday-Saturday this week. Just for this week, because there was no one available to come in this Saturday apparently. 

In other news: on Monday, 2.4.13, Laura got in a car accident. =[ 

Both drivers involved were fine, it wasn't a big deal, Laura's car was just in the shop for 2.5 weeks. She was driving a 2013 Chevy Malibu rental till Phil the Ford Focus was fixed.

The car was an automatic, which was a change from Phil's manual transmission. Both of us kept trying to shift when driving the car.

Happily, Phil is all better now.

In more other news: Troy and Laura got a phone plan together, and both upgraded their phones to Windows phones. We got the Nokia 920, and they're pretty awesome. Laura's first smartphone! Troy really wanted to keep his Houston area code, but the only way to do that was if Laura got a Houston area code too.. so her number now starts with 832. Troy's number starts with 281, but apparently they were out of 281 numbers, so Laura has an 832 number.

Also, Laura was cleaning out her shoulder bag and randomly found a water gun in there.

No idea where it came from. Ignore the pile of laundry in the background, we'll get around to folding it sometime.
Our friends moved to Oregon (sad face), but they sold us their ottoman for super cheap. It's Chloe's new favorite sleeping spot.

Chloe also likes to be super cuddly. On occasion, she'll snuggle up to Laura's behind.

And, lastly, Laura's younger brother left for his mission on Jan 30. Good for you, Hunter! See you in 2 years! He's out of the MTC and in New Hampshire now. If anyone wants to write him, you can look him up on 

That's it for now.

Sunday, February 3, 2013


The time is going by so fast, it's hard to believe that it's February already. Already!

Hopefully things will slow down once Laura has her weekends back... I (Laura) have been working weekends as a music therapist for a skilled nursing facility for the past 2 years, which was fine when I was working a per diem position (also music therapy work) at the psych hospital. I've been looking for full time work since I graduated... then a full time position became available at the psych hospital, so I upgraded my employee status from per diem to full time. But I kept working weekends, because I didn't want to leave my coworkers and the residents at the nursing home hanging without somebody to fill my position. But now they have someone (my friend, actually!), and my last day of weekend work is Feb 17th. I'm looking forward to 5 day work weeks instead of 6-7 day work weeks (like I've been doing since November).

So just to fill you in on what else has been happening around here...

We went to the Rose Parade with Jason and Liz.
Team Raptor in Pasadena!
Fancy floats made of flowers.

The theme for this year was "The places you'll go with education" or something like that. Apparently education will take you to Torrance.

Fancy costumes.
So ruffle-y!

Mostly we've just been hanging out around home. Which isn't so bad, especially when you have someone as cute as Chloe to come home to.

She is fascinated by the toilet.

Till next time, internet!