Saturday, November 17, 2012

Euro Trip Part Last of Many

Food, Glorious Food 
You thought we were done, didn't you? Nope! We still gotta talk about our food. We documented just about everything we ate, except for the few cases where the restaurant felt too nice to take pictures in, or when the food was so awful we didn't think to capture it. We're gonna go through the good, the bad and the ugly here.

The Excellent
An example of Europe's finest (at least out of the foods we ate on our trip):

A breakfast buffet from one of our hotels in Germany (in Munich). This was Laura's breakfast.
Best buffet ever - it had a tray full of bacon. (Berlin)
Troy's dinner in Berlin, on our last full day before flying back.
Laura's dinner in Berlin.
Ribs!! (Stuttgart)
Awesome. (Amsterdam)
Laura's dinner in London before we went to see "The Taming of the Shrew", in a Persian restaurant.
Troy's dinner in the same Persian restaurant.
The only still lemonade in London, maybe Europe. Oh, so good, compared to that nasty crap carbonated lemonade.
There was even pink still lemonade!
Handmade Belgian chocolate made in front of us at the chocolate museum in Brugge.
Troy enjoying the chocolate, after Laura took a taste and confirmed that she still doesn't like chocolate.
A traditional English breakfast, minus the mushrooms, for Troy. Apparently English bacon is just fried ham. This was at a restaurant near our hotel in London.
A traditional English breakfast for Laura, minus the meat.
Heaven on Earth, in Brugge, in the form of Belgian waffles. This had strawberries and whipped cream on top.
More waffle goodness, this one with cherries and whipped cream on top. The cherries were hot, and melted the whipped cream.
We had to go back one last time before catching our train. We also got a nutella waffle, with powdered sugar sprinkled on top.
Very tasty sandwiches in Brugge. Troy got ham.
And Laura got a brie sandwich. These sandwiches were the only things we ate in Brugge that weren't waffles.
At the pancake bakery in Amsterdam. Laura's had a variety of vegetables and some cheese in it. And it was so good!
Troy had bacon and apple slices in his pancake.
Laura enjoying her vegetarian pizza thing at the bier garten the Bowerbanks took us to. (In Stuttgart, Germany.)
The Good
Food that was enjoyable, but not great.

Turkey, dressing and cranberry sauce: Thanksgiving dinner in a baguette! (Wales)
Fish and chips. And peas (we had to specify NOT mushy peas). (Wales)
Omelette con bacon. (Amsterdam)
Both of our meals in a pan Asian restaurant in Amsterdam.
Laura: What would possess anyone to eat food that looks like that? Troy: Tasted better than it looks. (By the Neuschwannstein Castle)
We were in Amsterdam, missing Belgian waffles. This place also had gelato, which we enjoyed (cinnamon flavor).
Yes we had Burger King in Germany (Troy had it 3 times). We were driving across the country and had a time schedule to meet, and the only other place at the rest stop was a sit down restaurant.
For airplane food, it was pretty good. (On the way back from Europe)
Meh. But good for airplane food.
More airplane food. Troy's chicken nuggets on the way to London.

The Ugly

It looked really good on the menu, but the sausage was nasty, the bacon wasn't bacon, and Troy forgot to order scrambled eggs.
Turns out, tomatoes, beans, mushrooms and sunny side up eggs are not good together. Laura, like Troy, also forgot to specify "scrambled" eggs, and was disappointed (and grossed out) to discover that the English default to "sunny side up" when it comes to eggs.
Belgian frites. They weren't bad on their own, but I feel like In-N-Out has perfected the art.
Convention food. (GamesCom)
Deluxe convention food.
Carbonated lemonade. Troy disapproves. (London)
There's a reason we don't have "piccalilli". (London)
Germans have achieved greatness in a great many things - pizza is not among them.
No caption needed.
In London. Felt like we were back home... with nasty fast food options. (This statement does not necessarily represent Troy's opinion.)
This may have been one of Troy's biggest disappointments of the trip. For those who can't tell what you're looking at, it's because the window had a lot of glare, sorry. Troy wanted to eat at the Texas Embassy restaurant in London. But they closed, and looked like they had been closed for a little while.
Troy's rant after a particularly nasty corner shop sandwich. (It was really windy at night in London, fyi.)

Ok. We're done with all our Europe posts now. Sorry this one took so long to put up, we've been super busy the past 1.5 months. Till next time, internet!

1 comment:

  1. I have loved your posts! They have been a great documentation of your trip and really great armchair travel material. You have a refreshing view of the world!
