Sunday, April 13, 2014

We Are Too Busy

It's April already, Geez Louise!

Highlights of January:

We went to Vegas to ring in the new year. We saw the Blue Man Group perform:

They were so good!

...and stood in the middle of an intersection with a million other people and counted down to 2014. 

Laura got a hair cut! New year, new 'do.

Laura was attacked by one of the patients at work. It sucked. No major physical damage, some bumps and bruises that went away pretty quickly, but it was still awful. She took 2 weeks off of work, and is still dealing with worker's comp stuff.

Highlights of February:

We got a new cat! Her previous owner died, and we took her in so she wouldn't go to a shelter. She's 4 or 5 years old, and her name when she came to us was "Little Girl". We renamed her.

Introducing Meow Diamond Phillips. We usually just call her Diamond.

Unfortunately, Chloe and Diamond don't get along. We have the apartment separated by a baby gate some friends are loaning us for the time being (thanks!). Chloe jumps over the gate when she feels adventurous, and jumps back over when Diamond chases her out. (Diamond is too big to jump over the gate.) There's hope, though. Diamond is very cuddly:

She loves Troy so much. She tolerates Laura.

Diamond is sweet when she wants to be. My guess is she's still grieving the loss of her previous owner, and her old home. That's a lot of change! New home, new owners, and now a cat she has to share that with. She was the only cat in her previous home. From what we've read, it can take up to 3 months for the transition period. So, let's hope we get the baby gate down for good in the next month or so...

Highlights of March:

Phil the Ford Focus hit 100,000 miles!

But don't you think taking a picture of 99999.9 is more fun?

Laura ran a 10K. Her goal was 65 minutes, and finished at 69:41. Pretty good! They had photographers scattered throughout the race taking pictures, and put them online to access for free, but Laura isn't really a "photo ready" runner. You can tell it's a struggle:

Laura riding the invisible bicycle. (The photographer caught me mid-"Whoo!")

I swear I'm running, it's just hard to tell with that other lady making it look so effortless.

That's more or less it for now. Till the next time, internet!