Sunday, August 25, 2013

To the South! Georgia edition

After our fun in Mississippi, we drove on over to Georgia to hang out with Doug, our friend from Northridge. He had to work the day we were in town, so while we waited for him, we meandered around Atlanta.

Laura used to live in Dunwoody as a kid. We didn't visit it this trip, but it was fun seeing it on the map.

We had breakfast at Waffle House, just so Laura could understand all the jokes.
Breakfast wasn't so bad.

We wandered over to Stone Mountain to see the giant slab of stone.
Just in case people forgot, reminders like this (a carving of confederate leaders) let people know that WE ARE IN THE SOUTH. 

We found a toy store:

We rode a train:

Then it started raining, and our plans to ride on the cable cars to the top of Stone Mountain were dashed with the lightening. It was ok, it was about time to go see Doug, anyway.

On the way back to the car, we saw this sequence of signs, which made us think of the Flight of the Conchords song, "Ladies of the World". 

If you're interested, you can watch the song here:

We found Doug! We had dinner at The Vortex, featured on Man vs. Food (which is why we went there, thanks, Troy!).
Troy's dinner: the Double Coronary Bypass. Here is the description of the burger from the menu: "Twice as ridiculous as the Coronary Bypass! Topped with two fried eggs, six slices of American cheese, and eight slices of bacon, served between two grilled cheese sandwiches that we use in place of the regular hamburger buns." Here's their website if you're interested:
Laura's dinner: the Super Hippy Veggie Burger. Cuz that's what Laura is: a super hippy veggie burger!

After dinner we played in Centennial Olympic Park.

We also wandered around downtown area for a bit.

We stayed in the cheapest Motel 6 we could find both nights we were in Atlanta, and the rooms were so terrible, we forgot to make a video review.

Then we drove from Atlanta to Florida, to go see Laura's family! To be continued...

Monday, August 12, 2013

To the South! Louisiana and Mississippi edition

Between the two of us, we have a lot of family in the South. So we thought we'd go see them!

We started out in Louisiana for a couple days, and stayed with Laura's brother and his family.

Thanks, Josh!
Thanks, Amanda!
We met their new baby, Ian. He is adorable!

Big sister Hannah thinks so, too.

Auntie Laura and Hannah bonded:

And we all took a trip to the zoo.

We found some of Chloe's cousins!

Hannah found a giraffe to ride.

Troy continued his tradition of inappropriately riding statues of animals.




Back at the house, Hannah modeling the cat beanie Auntie Laura made her when she was a baby.
After Louisiana, Team Raptor headed over to Mississippi. 

But first we got some delicious jambalaya and gumbo (before leaving Louisiana).

We made sure to stock up on the essentials, once we checked into our hotel room (which had a fridge, freezer, and dishwasher!)

We met up with Troy's dad (and the rest of his extended family) at the family reunion in Jackson.

Part of the Jackson city tour.

Part of the park where the family picnic was held.

Family picnic, where they served delicious catfish. De-li-cious. The best catfish Laura has ever tasted. Ever. It was like eating an entirely different food, it was so good. Laura could sing praises to this catfish. And her mouth is watering just thinking about it. *Drool*

Troy's dad with 2 of his siblings, Troy's Aunt Hedy and Uncle Carl Ray.

Troy's Aunt Florene.

We had dinner together before Troy's dad flew out to Utah and Team Raptor drove to Atlanta. Somehow Uncle Jerry maneuvered his way out of this picture. You can see the top of his head above Troy's head.

Saying goodbye... Goodbye Aunt Mae Mae, Aunt Florene, Uncle Jerry and Aunt Kathern.

Leaving Mississippi we stopped to fuel up. And almost cried, considering some parts of L.A. are a full dollar more expensive than this. We saw a gas station selling gas at $3.19 on the Jackson city tour, but weren't quick enough to whip out a camera.

Next post - Georgia and Florida!