Sunday, June 24, 2012


Yes, I (Laura) went to an anime convention in Anaheim and dragged two of my friends along with me. And it was glorious!
 A samurai (I think). Looks like he's trying to get in? Maybe? That doesn't make sense, cuz the convention was free...
Nyan cat posing with the guy from Catherine and some random people. Has anyone else played Catherine? Kind of a weird game, but the demo was fun I guess. Troy showed me the game, and I lost interest pretty quickly, but after seeing other people totally into it (look at that guy! He is out in public wearing only boxers and horns. And carrying around a pillow.), I want to give the game another try.

Kakashi Sensei! I saw him with a couple other Naruto characters when I first walked into the convention room, but was too overloaded with Anime and cosplay to remember my words. All I could do was, "Uhh.. agh! Oh! Him! Naruto! That's not his name!" so I took a picture from afar cuz I was too flustered to go up and ask for one. He was wearing a face mask, too bad you can't see it. =(
Here are the other two I caught up with later on. That shark sword is pretty intense. It's as tall as she is!

Mario! Check out his hammer!
G4 was also at AM2 apparently, probably on the day(s) I wasn't there, or maybe at times I wasn't there, cuz I didn't see any G4 reps, but they got a better pic of the Mario man. This pic is from their website. (I did not take it.)


Not really sure what she's all about, but it was a fun looking dress...

This lady had lots of cutesy stuff on her fingers, wrists, neck, and hair. And clothes. And also sold all of those cutesy things that we looked at but didn't buy.

I never watched My Little Pony, but for all those who did/still do, there was a place designated to talk Pony talk. And to draw ponies and put them on the wall if you felt so moved.

Here we are! Me, Kacie (check out her craft blog in our Links section) and Gina. Thanks ladies for putting up with me! Kacie kind of keeps up with some of this stuff, but Gina has no interest in anime anything, but came along anyway because she's awesome and enjoyed laughing at me geeking out and my shyness/creepiness at taking pictures of cosplayers from the shadows instead of asking them for a photo.


I don't really get it, but whatever floats your boat Japanese designers...

Cutesy lady modeling stuff in the back ground, and in the foreground a cutesy goth guy. I'm confused by what message the designers are trying to portray in his look. You can't see too well in this pic, but he's got a black mohawk with black lipstick, wearing a pink zip-up shirt that has a hoodie with cat ears in the back. ???
Well, there was also a video I wanted to upload, but due to technical errors, that won't be happening this post. Maybe we'll figure it out later. So sad... you won't get to see part of an event. There were concurrent events going on while people were milling about the floor. The one Kacie, Gina and I wandered into was scheduled to be about cosplay make up tips and techniques, but the lady who was supposed to talk about it never showed up... so there was a guy employed by AM2 that was doing anything and everything to keep a crowd entertained. At one point the group burst into the Pokemon theme song, inspired by one of the group member's costumes. Shortly after, there was an impromptu cosplay contest. Among the contestants were Zombie Poison Ivy (from Batman, but zombie-like), Harley Quinn (also from Batman), the eleventh Doctor (from Doctor Who) and Mario and Luigi the Super Gangster Brothers. Oh well. Just come over and watch the video on our computer.